Posted 5/4/2016 11:30 AM (GMT 0)
I would agree, use daily salofolk enemas as your inflammation is all within the area that enemas cover. Some use enemas as part of their maintenance treatment rather than as needed. You likely should. 4 x 800 mg pills = 3,200 mgs daily of asacol. The maximum is 4,800 mg (6 x 800), I would ask your gastroenterologist about an increase in dose.
Does the sign of a polyp mean trouble ahead? Not unless the biopsy identifies malignancy. Very unlikely that it would, majority of polyps are benign. Polyps can form as inflammation heals, very small polyps that fall off on their own. I've had them, doctor wasn't even remotely concerned.
Is the no change/slightly worse in condition mean trouble? Not really. It means your maintenance medications aren't sufficient. A combination of 6 asacol a day and nightly salofolk enema could be sufficient to tame it.
So to me my symptoms seemed reasonable but the Doc suggested I was not being forthright on how I was? Horrible he/she said that, as you're no liar. I've had disconnects between my symptoms and how I looked during a scope before. Not completely uncommon for it to be a disconnect, your doctor's tone/rudeness is uncommon.
Oh also I forgot to ask him but should I wait a couple of days to begin the enimas again to let the biopsies heal up? I'd likely wait a day or two for things to settle down before starting enemas. You can do them immediately, but they'll be a bit harder to retain until things settle down. You might not be thrilled at least he didn't mention immunomodulators (Imuran, 6mp, aza), which might be necessary should this change in doses not produce results.