CCinPA said...
I know what you mean about trying not to panic. I was in full blown panic mode yesterday. The blood and abnormal BMs had me fearing the worst. Thankfully no D so far and the BMs were more normal this AM but still blood. I think the nopal is starting to kick back in (been drinking it again for about 5 days now). If not for the business trip coming up I would skip the Uceris and just give the nopal time to work, but I just don't want to risk it.
It's very possible you picked up a bug and in another day or so will be back to normal. ~fingers crossed for you~
Definitely not the water, I still have the weird and highly variable poop schedule a week later, and now there's blood too. Sigh... wishful thinking!
How are you doing?
I've never heard of Nopal water, need to look that up now. :)