Poppie said...
Jonny, I was only having one smoothie a day, but yeah, most people dont want to hear this, especially if they have them every day, i get it, but to be honest i shared this because i thought people might listen and believe me. I wont say i was perfect before having them, Heck!!! I have IBD! but that was my point, you are probably going to be fine if you don't have IBD, but for folks with a propensity for stomach troubles then these are not a good idea. Anyway, these are partly responsible for some serious health issues for me, and for many of the women on the Salicylate intolerance site too! they all say the same as me, smoothies...problems etc..its up to you if you want to believe it or not, no worries.
Of course I believe you - I'm just saying, everyone with IBD is different and what works for one person will not work for another. I my case Green Smoothies have improved my health across the board particularly my digestion and they are a great way to get much needed nutrients.
I don;t go crazy with it, maybe a couple of handfuls of spinach or some kale leaves with a range of fruits. In my case, I honestly wonder where I would be if I had not discovered green smoothies - I also add other high nutrient foods like Chlorella powder and Bee Pollen. Smoothies have made a massive difference.
I guess for you if you are Salicylate intolerant then you have to watch your plant intake. I'm really sorry to hear that, I love plant based meals, I think I would really struggle with something like that...