Yeasty said...
I live in Colorado and am now using Colorado Cannabis Oil that is basically Rick Simpson Oil for IBD and Colitis. I had a Colectomy and a poop bag reversal done 1 year ago. But it's been hell lately. Never thought I would be in tears going number 2. Or crapping on myself. I hate it and doctors tell me to manage it with Miralax. So I have decided to try Cannabis Oil. This is not Hemp Oil. Hemp oil is all CBD. Cannabis Oil has both THC & CBD. A 1 gram syringe has 950mg of THC. That's a ton and will make you very sleepy. But it has helped me. It's only been a week. I also smoke Indica for pain. I prefer it over pills. I will give this a chance and get back tou you all soon.
Hello & welcome! You could try starting a new thread. I doubt anyone will see this here. We actually do not have many members who have undergone surgery (who are active - most have taken off and moved on with life). I suggest you check out to look for some answers. You shouldn't have accidents or pain after surgery. I had surgery almost a year ago, reversal about
9 months ago, and everything has been wonderful for me. Things were tough at first, but I've been back to my old life + a few extra trips to empty my pouch.
Have you talked to your surgeon? Miralax doesn't make sense to me. Is it hard to empty? We have 2 active members who have pouchitis and they mention that it's hard to empty. Usually antibiotics are used to treat pouchitis. I would imagine you could get a script
from your GI or surgeon. I personally think I'd go to my surgeon over my GI. I haven't been to my GI since prior to surgery, and really, what does she know about
pouches? Probably not that much. My surgeon is involved in studies on pouch function and whatnot. I trust him more at this point I suppose. Have you had a scope to determine the status of your pouch? I had one at the 3 & 6 month mark. They do it in the office, it doesn't hurt and it takes about
5 minutes total. It's not fun, but not a big deal since it's so quick, plus it's good to know whether things look good. If there is inflammation, they would be able to offer options.
I tried MMJ for UC when I had it and it didn't provide benefit to me. Now, I would have no reason to use it medically.