But ulcerative colitis does have an increased mortality rate "Severe ulcerative colitis is a potentially life-threatening condition. Due to advances in medical therapy, the mortality rate has dropped to <2% over the past 30 years". Initially, the mortality rate was 30 percent before most modern medications were developed. Urgent colectomy, toxic megacolon, perforations and other related things do happen with uc.
Biologics have very rare odds of causing a serious infection 2-4 percent odds and most of those can be treated. Same thing goes for lymphoma, 0.04 percent odds (and 66 percent go into remission). I don't believe biologics have a significant increase in mortality rate for uc patients, given those long odds. Certainly not a big bump, as suggested.
Source for stats:
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4293927/Again, Entyvio doesn't carry those risks, gut-specific.