Hi Shellrosa,
My family is quite small but they do offer me support, and I have remained friends with my ex and he is also very supportive as is my work so it could be worse. It's hard to tell which is worse sometimes, the UC or the bladder, although luckily we don't have to choose as they both come at the same time lol! I have found some relief with D-mannose which is just a sugar that they use to treat UTI, but also seems to work for me. I was skeptical at first, particularly with it being a sugar which is a no-no, however bacteria are so attracted to it that they bind to it instead of your bladder wall. Other than that, I have found tacrolimus suppositories for my UC also seem to help soothe my bladder symptoms. I don't know how as I thought they'd make it worse in the same way that pred makes my bladder unbearable.
I definitely need a puppy, but alas I am renting in an apartment
I honestly wish you all the best and if there's anything that any of us can do to cheer you up let us know
I try and stay positive by reminding myself that there are a lot of drugs that are due out in the coming years to ease our suffering.