iPoop said...
Try asking for Mesalamine DR, a generic to Lialda. Sulfasalazine is also a generic, but a really old ulcerative colitis medication that causes a lot more incidence of side effects due to the Sulfa component. Newer medications are much safer.
Exactly right. Sulfasalazine is an older med that's as effective, or even slightly more effective, than the mesalamines - but its side effect risk profile is much, much worse. For that reason it's not used so much any more.
There are several different mesalamines, many brand-name, and now even generics. Any reasonable insurance's pharmacy formulary will include at least one of the mesalamines. If not, that insurance needs to be reported to your state's insurance regulator(s). Unacceptable.
Marciac12, same story - work with your doctor to find a mesalamine that your insurance covers. If they don't cover any of them, file a complaint.