My teen son has been doing the Rowasa enemas since he was first diagnosed, so many folks on this forum swear by them.
He has said you get used to them very quickly and after a while they are really no big deal--they now take him 15 seconds to administer while lying down in bed, he keeps them in his bedside table, tosses them in trash next to bed after, and watches TV or goes to sleep. he’s not dealing with the issue of spouse/intimacy but I can say he was able to come off 6mp with them and the 6mp made him so so tired he would trade all the ickyness of enemas in a heartbeat in order to not feel so tired and sick all the time. He is now in remission and sticks with them as preventative.
Here are things I’ve learned from him.
1. Not everyone who does them does them nightly. You could start with nightly for 2 weeks and then reduce to every 2-3 nights.
2. Some people do them in the bathroom first but he found that hard to retain them. He does them lying in bed (laying on your left side is important for about
15-30 min after so it reaches that distal colon).
2. He keeps a small trash can with lid by bed to dispose them in.
3. For the first while he put a small blanket or towel under him for those first 30 min in case any leaked he doesn’t need that. But they can stain sheets so I’d recommend the towel at first while you are getting hang of it.
4. You could start them when your husband is out of town or going to be out late with friends one night so you get the hang of it without him, the first few times you still have to learn how to retain them.
5. You could just explain that you have to do some treatments so can he come to bed 5 minutes after you--and just give you that privacy for 5 minutes.
6. He says it really helps if you shake the bottle first, and very gently squeeze a little bit of the air out before administering.
I suspect after one-two weeks it will all become so quick and easy and not a big deal at all and you and your husband will just be so happy when your symptoms are better controlled, you’ll hopefully have a better sex life then before. Maybe you’ll even go into remission
Good Luck!