Hey guys,
So this is the update about
my situation with Stelara :
I've got some test results mid-July, they were my first results since I completely stop pred (and easily, thanks to Stelara!). My CRP got down to 10, which is really good, my best result in 2017
On the other side, my Calprotectin level was high (600). Don't know what to think about
it... This is kind of high for the symptoms I have...
My GI have decided to prescribe me Stelara every 4 weeks and I'll have crp, calprotectin and Stelara concentration level checkout often. It is also done for a clinical trial that I'm participating.
In general, I do feel better, but it's not always perfect. I do have some bad days. I was feeling awesome after my second shot, but 5weeks later some symptoms came back and the third shot didn't seem to be efficient as the second one. Since a week, I saw mucus again, everyday. I even got blood. Only once, but the toilet was all red. It got away quick and I think it's from what I eated the day before (must be peperonni (first time I've got this meat since a lonnnnng time) or a kombucha brand that I tried for the first time).
Also, my brother and father have Crohn's Colitis (recently diagnose). I did order a first bottle of Isatis Cooling to give it a try as I see so many good comment about
it on this forum. Have you tried it? I asked my brother to try it and he have some improvement (usually, nothing works on him). So I did order more, for me and my father. We'll see, maybe it will help with Stelara!
therearmiracles, Keith : How are you doing?
therearmiracles : Oh, I saw your post about
popcorn recently, I hope you are doing better!! Personally, I don't think I could ever eat popcorn again