There's many, many alternative treatments to try, so try not to get lost in the forest. Here's a good guide of things commonly discussed about
alternatives from our Resources Thread at the top of this forum. Good luck!
ALTERNATIVEClinical Trials: Bacteriotherapy: IVIG - Intavenous Immunoglobulin: - Low Dose Naltrexone: InSoFL's story about LDNNicotine: Choline: Must be compounded to release properly Can be in pill form, yogurt, kombucha, kefir, fermented foods. Common oral pills/powder are Align, Culturelle, Florastar, Naturen, and VSL#3.
Supplements: Aloe Vera, Bitters Compound, Bromelain, coconut oil, Deglycrrhizinated Licorice (DGL), Digestive enzymes, Flaxseed, Folic Acid, Ginger, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Seed Extract,
Nopal Water, Holy Basil, Peppermint, pineapple, Omega-3, Oregano, Psylium Husk (metamucil or Citrucel), Slippery Elm, Turmeric/Curcurmin/Boswellia, Vitamin D, and vitamin-e enemas.
Triple Antibiotic Therapy: amoxicillin 1500mg/day, tetracycline 1500mg/day, and metronidazole 750 mg/day (Curcumin) Use in UC: Research on Safety and Dosing (see links below)Wellbutrin: some studies have shown Wellbutrin to be effective as a TNF Blocker.
Worm (Helminthic) Therapy: Marijuana[fixed bad links]