Rogerop - There was someone on here awhile back that had elevated bilirubin due to one of the UC meds and even had a little jaundice. I can't remember who though. It is good that the GGT is normal. Elevated ALP is one of the best blood test indicators to determine if further testing should be done for possible PSC.
When in early stages PSC often does not have any symptoms or minor right upper quadrant pain. Usually patients don't have any symptoms until they have had the disease several years. Exhaustion, extreme itching, pain from liver or gallbladder and jauindice are the most common symptoms. When I was first diagnosed I didn't have any symptoms it was caught during a routine blood test and they sent me for further testing and then diagnosed me.
Marjiekay, as far as blood tests outside of normal liver panel, Alkaline Phosphotase and GGT are the best indicators for PSC, especially if they are elevated together. If blood tests indicate further testing the gold standard for PSC is an MRCP/MRI. It is non invasive and usually can diagnose from that. Liver biopsy is controversial in PSC because it only checks one area of the liver that may not be diseased yet and biopsies have shown to cause complications or progression of PSC. My MRCP was definitive so I declined the biopsy. I didn't see the benefit versus the risk. Now if they are testing for other liver diseases or the MRCP isn't conclusive there may be benefit to the biopsy.
If your blood tests or symptoms indicate further testing if there is any suspicion of PSC I would push for the MRCP first before any other tests. Especially anything invasive like a biopsy or ERCP procedure.
Sorry that was maybe more info than you wanted to know
Hope fully you both have nothing to worry about
. I know it is most common with UC so that is where our minds go but liver enzymes can fluctuate a lot with IBD and the medicines we take. I know several people on here have had the same worries and it ended being a result of medications or a UC flare.