iPoop said...
Welcome back! I'm glad your UC is doing well, but the pains sounds awful.
Are they frequent or infrequent? How severe on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being unbearable)?
Hmm lower-right side, under ribs and I guess that'd be the general area of the pancreas (problem pancreatitis), gall bladder (problem gall stones), liver (prob Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis), and kidney (prob kidney stones).
Have you been investigated for all of the above?
Certainly, as UC patients we have much, much higher incidence of PSC and pancreatitis than the general population. But you said your bile ducts were clear so that might rule out PSC...
We're also more prone to various clots, usually deep-vein stuff but it can be anything. Are you on any blood thinners or had any problems with clotting in the past?
Have you ever had any lower abdominal surgeries?
Every test shows all internal organs "Normal".
MRI states: Liver-Normal
Gallbladder and bile ducts-Normal
Pancreas- Normal
Spleen- Normal
Adrenal Glands- Normal
Kidneys- Normal
Aorta- Normal, No aneurysm
Bladder- Normal
Peritoneal Cavity- Normal
Bowel/Mesentery- Stomach and small bowel loops are within normal limits. Colonic loops are normal. No wall thickening or evidence of inflammation. No evidence of appendicitis. No obstruction.
Pain is about
from 3 to 4 depending on activity. Just enough to be annoying.
Lower abdominal surgery? Yes.
Elected to have sigmoid colon resection due to diverticulitis. Shortly after suffered an adhesion. Haven't ruled that out again.
Spoke with my GI Dr about
PSC. He said "it doesn't go like that".
I'll be seeing him again in 2 weeks.
It's just after seeing so many different dr's they all say the same.
"I have no dx for what you're feeling".
IMO pain is the body's warning system. Something isn't right.