After 6 years of remission with just Sulfa drugs the last 18 months has seen a steady increase in my symptoms; loosening of stools, blood, urgency, cramping, etc.
In March I went on the SCD diet and got great results for about
2.5 months but just as we were about
to go on vacation out of the country I starting flaring badly. Doc put me on Pred and was able to go on vacation and enjoy myself.
But as soon as I started tapering all the symptoms came back.
Sulfa does nothing now, Canasa suppositories do nothing now, the SCD diet isn't helping anymore and I can't be on Pred much longer so this is it.
At 3:45 central I'll be getting the shots from my starter pack.
I'm super nervous but excited at the same time because I'm at the point where the urgency is a bit debilitating. I still work everyday but the 30 minute drive every morning is getting to be pretty hellish. I've also been waking up and having to go in the middle of the night which I can't really ever remember happening in the past. Long story short, I think it's time. Wish me luck!
I'll update this thread if I'm not too scared out of my wits.