Well albear......I drove myself nearly bat crap insane prior to my latest scope. Some of us have a really hard time trying to stop the analytical process in our brains (and that NEED to know). I get that 100%.
Maybe googling proof that it isn't always a catastrophe might help? IBD really IS super rare. And then even if a person DOES get an IBD diagnosis, it isn't always a big calamity in symptoms. I have never had any diarrhea OR major pain with UC.
It has always been deemed "mild" ----by two different GI's. This past flare I had symptoms for 20 months and despite seeing both mucus and blood daily, it never graduated to "moderate" even !
I am an avid athlete and only quit running and lifting weights because I wanted to allow my body to use every single ounce of energy to mitigation of my symptoms (and I know now this was nothing more than an exercise in the mental realms) I am pretty sure it wasn't necessary and I'll be getting back in my running shoes this week.
I will say that there hasn't really ever been a question about
what my diagnosis was/is because even back when I had my first scope in 2008 I had minor architectural changes noted on a cellular level.
Now despite seeing that on the biopsy report, my GI at the time even with that knowledge didn't give me a specific diagnosis. It wasn't until I got a new doctor that I saw anything in writing that said a firm "UC diagnosis". No idea why and I never asked ......I actually preferred thinking it just *might* be regular colitis !
I hope that's what YOU have, too......but no matter what, even if you have UC, it may not ever get worse and it may even "burn itself out" (did you happen to see that thread here?).
Concentrate on all that can go RIGHT as opposed to go WRONG.......that's usually how things turn out