Hi everyone!
I'm here because I need advice on living with and managing my proctitis
I was diagnosed 3 ish months ago after 3 months of ongoing symptoms; mucus and blood when passing a stool, urgency and going 4-5 times a day (compared to some things I've read on here I consider myself extreeeemely lucky there), plus some on/off pelvic pain. I was diagnosed via colonoscopy and given asacol suppositories to take once daily before bed.
I came off the asacol when I ran out about
6 weeks later and told to stay off them, and all was well in the world once again!
3 weeks later, I noticed the mucus was gradually coming back, however, and within the next 2 weeks after that I was right back where I started
My IBD nurse has since prescribed me the asacol again, which this time isn't working as well as last time. It was better but still lingering after a week. I was then prescribed prednisolone 5mg to take at night and told to continue the asacol in the day.
A couple of weeks on I've noticed that its a little better, but every couple of days I pass a blob of pink mucus or I'm still bleeding a little after
opening my bowels. I'm due back to see the specialist on 2nd Jan.
Initially I was told that proctitis eventually burns itself out. During my initial flare before the colonoscopy I did notice that it was subsiding somewhat (but not completely stopping).
I don't know how long I'm supposed to be on these suppositories for. Does anyone take suppositories indefinitely or is there some other form of maintenance medication for proctitis? (mine is 2-10cm)
I don't know exactly what sets mine off yet since this is all very new to me, but it's proving difficult to get rid of this time around. I've had bouts of fatigue this time with it that has since subsided and I'm carrying on with my everyday life as normal again.
Sorry for the long post ^_^