I have been taking biologics in some form since May 2016, when I started on Remicade. I never noticed anything related to anxiety while on Remicade; in fact, if anything I felt the results of taking that drug aleviated my anxiety because it worked so well! Fast forward to March 2017 when I got switched to Humira because I developed antibodies to Remicade. A few months later I started on very high doses of Humira (because I wasn't seeing good enough results from the dose I started with), and I swear I've been feeling anxious ever since.
I probably developed greater anxiety last year for a few reasons, including the fact that my symptoms did not seem to improve and on a number of occasions of leaving the house, I would have an accident. Nonetheless, it never really clicked that it could be the Humira causing this anxiety until I started taking CBD oil a month ago. After a couple weeks of taking the CBD oil, I noticed my anxiety dramatically improve, but I started noticing a possible pattern. It seemed like my anxiety was best controlled mondays and tuesdays, but spiked again thursdays and fridays. Since I take my Humira on wednesday every week, that tells me it could be the culprit. I plan to discuss with my doctor to see if I can maybe decrease the Humira dosage to hopefully combat this, but we'll see!
All in all seems like anxiety as a side effect of biologics doesn't appear to be all that common, but who knows, maybe we're the odd one's out experiencing these symptoms.