Thanks for all of your responses. I don't want to go into everything mentioned, because this would turn into a book. I am beginning to wonder if the psychologist is helping enough. He seems happy when we leave, but seems like he needs more pushing. I have tried talking to him, and anything personal socially, he refuses. He only has
opened up to me when he was at a very desperate time emotionally - he was not well that day. Hes been on fluoxetine since maybe October, and it's been increased twice since then. I have talked to the psychologist about
school and she seems to be addressing it, but again, I dont feel like its enough. I would hope that she would also be teaching him coping skills. At some point I feel like he needs to be held responsible, and with the health issues it's hard finding that line. The teachers are aware of his UC since August and back in December I had to mention the depression / anxiety because he was failing many classes. He just had a follow up with his GI and had been feeling fairly well for about
a month, but of course, the next day he wasn't. It seems like it's always something. Thanks for the thoughts, it seems that it's just things we're going to have to continue working through. He won't be 16 forever