Posted 2/9/2018 12:52 PM (GMT 0)
When I eat now, like in a hour my stomach hurts and my intestines hurt, my stomach is tender and I belch a lot.I press right under my rib cage that little bone is middle, directly right below, it's tender. Where is the gallbladder? I have a lot of diarreah. I don't know, its a new thing happening. Pepto helps me alot. I take my omeporzole like I should. I feel better if I don't eat and just have chicken broth, LOL, ya can't live on that!
I hate travel, but like vacation, it stresses me out. I'm bleeding bad too! I wasn't bleeding when I was just having liquid. My body attacks the food.
Maybe I will start back on digestive enzymes and probiotics? I want to be in a good mood for my hubby, but it's hard cuz it's written on my face, I don't feel good.
What is gasteritis? Maybe SIBO ? I had a scope in November all clear from my throat to large intestine. It showed some lines in my throat which is acid reflux.
I've been fighting a cold/maybe a little flu. I will take small meals in and see how I do.
I've packed everything you can think of for this trip in the way of meds.
Just venting, crying, sorry all.......... and now....I will trying to be positive and happy.