quincy said...
IIt's always best to have it confirmed....if it's pseudopolyp, it will be hyperplasia. The doc can assume through a visual, but will always have it removed and pathology done.
II've had a pseudopolyp removed 2 1/2 years ago...hyperplasia. last October scope, none were seen in my colon (but had one in my stomach...hyperplasia).
Hyperplasia can be early changes of cells becoming polyps on their way becoming precancerous.
How often do you get c-scopes?
Let us know the outcome of the results. Im assuming your GI took biopsies throughout yiur colon.
I get one every year. Are pseudopolyps the same as hyperplasia? I thought they were different. I read hyplasia rarely turn cancerous and pseudopolyps cannot turn cancerous.
I'm not super freaking out right now cause from the looks of it (3mm polyp on sigmoid colon and me having UC) based on what I read online, it's most likely the pseudopolyps. But I guess there's always a chance of anything happening, so still nervously waiting on results.
I did an endoscopy yesterday as well as I've been having acid reflux for about
a month and tested positive for h.pylori. Report said acute gastritis and low grade esophagitis but those are being biopsied as well so anxious on those as well.