notsosicklygirl said...
I am not going to preach about how great surgery is, or how much better I am since having surgery, but it can be a necessary evil. You're young, and you've run through all the medical options, you're harming yourself with long-term steroids. Even if you were to stay stable for a year or two, you will likely face another flare up within the somewhat near future, and the next time, what are the options? More pred? You're not even off pred, and while people think 17.5 is a low dose, it's still relatively high considering you're not too stable. You could always go on and try clinical trials, or wait and see... You don't have to have surgery while you're feeling well, but if you've been on prednisone for 3 years with varying levels of stability, that's not where you want to be - we've had members require hip surgery due to past pred use.
You could wait to have surgery. The worst possibility about waiting, is that you may be sicker going into surgery, and you may not be a candidate for two steps. Not really the end of the world. You also may wait and find something that works for you, so that could be very positive too, but even if something works, it doesn't seem like anything works forever in most cases. i wasn't on steroids, and I wasn't THAT sick, and I had three steps, I am fine. Getting through the days is great, but getting healthy is better. I do not know about doing worse after surgery. How can you be worse when your life no longer includes unpredictability, doctors, drugs, expenses, excuses & limitations? Just my opinion. Unless you had a really horrible result, which I suppose is possible. You need to do thorough research, look at the good, and the bad, and see whether it's a viable option for you. Consult a surgeon and get opinion. Exhaust any tests that differentiate Crohn's from UC.
I've lived in both hot and cold for long periods and my UC was not effected...
Sounds like mayo only really does 3 steps due to better success? and also my prednisone levels prevent from less steps as well