Ihatepooping said...
Ah yes that makes total sense nssg. Thank you for explaining that to me.
In have come up with another question, if you don't mind, after reading your banner there. Is 2/3 months in between steps of the surgery about the usual? I currently work in an office setting and am curious as to how often I should expect to ask off for or when exscyid be as to return? I'm sure it's unique to each individual but that is another stessor unforgotten to bring up.
It's hard to say how much time it will take you to heal. I would however ask your work if you can start by working from home, that would enable you to get back working faster. I worked from home a week after my surgeries. I work a job that doesn't require me to be available in person too often. It relieved a lot of stress for me to know that I could get back to work. I do not have a family for financial support, without full income, I can't manage financially. I used PTO for surgery, no disability. I had 3 steps, but people who have 2 can probably get through it with less time off. For 2 step procedures, there is usually an 8 week wait. For 3 steps, it's 12 weeks, then 8 weeks. The last step is just a reconnection, it's a quick surgery. Mine was about
an hour and I was out of the hospital in a couple days. After that, there was a lot of toilet trips, but nothing too unmanageable.