But not about
what you probably think (my illness).
I’ve just realised that I’ve been on Entyvio for ... wait for it ... two years.
Now that shocked me! Why?
Because I’ve been saying the entire time that I’m really not convinced I’ve noticed ANY changes as a result of being on it! (I genuinely believe it has almost definitely done NOTHING).
Any time I’ve thought this way and spoken to people, the response has been “wait and see”...”give it time”...”but it has to be doing something, because you’re doing better than the times you were hospitalised!”
Yes I am - but I’m just NOT sure the Entyvio itself has done anything. I still have daily symptoms of UC - not terrible but bad enough to be symptoms (going multiple times a day often not formed with urgency).
And I’m pretty sure I started at least one other drug at the same time I last left hospital, and had been on high dose steroids for a few days.
So this is a bit of a rant. Two years of a biologic drug that I’ve questioned the efficacy of for me personally the whole time I’ve been on it. And I am concerned about
, what if there are side effects? I’ve not noticed any. But what about
in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 40 years? Beyond that? (I’m young!)
I know I won’t be on it much longer, I’m sure. But what I’m saying is, even if I come off it now, who knows what the long term side effects could be. Think about
steroids. When they were first introduced for long term use, you didn’t notice side effects at first. Decades later and your bones are falling apart and so on!
Sorry - this is a rant and a vent on my part. To be honest I don’t feel good at all about
this. Maybe I’m just being a bit of a hypochondriac. But still I will make sure I come off it. In the meantime, I’m rather shocked this has happened!
Please pitch in. Give your advice, stories and let’s discuss this. Tell me I’m crazy and overreacting enormously, or actually that this situation is crazy. Let me know what you think!
Ah, that felt better. (Sorry I had to vent XD )