Always interested in novel approaches, here's one: taking Stelara and entyvio simultaneously as an ongoing treatment. The person has Crohn's.
u/selkiea said...
This is a happy post.... well, optimistic, at least. Today I went rollerblading.
Backstory: In the last 8 months I was hospitalized 7 times for severe flare-ups that almost killed me. This disease left me unemployed and took my life away, you all know how it is. I failed off of all the biologics that we tried, including all the TNF blockers as well as Stelara, and I started to accept that I was a non responder, unable to taper below 40mg prednisone before landing back in the hospital. My doc told me that a colon removal and colostomy was the next step. I was really scared.
But my Dr. wanted to give it one more shot, with what he called a « creative solution, » combining two biologic medications, Stelara and Entyvio. He told me there wasn’t much research backing up this type of treatment but believes it is safe so why not give it a shot.
I’ve now been on the two for about two months, and this past week for the first time since August, I feel human again. I’ve been eating well and able to leave my house, and sleeping, now at 35mg of prednisone and tapering. I had bloodwork done and Dr. called to tell me that my CRP is 2. In March when I was hospitalized it was almost 200. Two months ago I could barely leave my house, today I went ROLLERBLADING. Unreal.
We’re certainly not out of the woods, I’m not in remission yet and someday i still may need surgery; but this is a step in the right direction. So I just want to shout out to « creative solutions » and amazing doctors who think them up.
And if you’ve had a similar situation to me, maybe ask your dr. If they’ve heard of combining biologics (specifically Stelara and Entyvio, because Entyvio is colon-specific so it is safe). There isn’t much research there but it has to start somewhere.
Happy Monday everyone