poopydoop said...
I also have difficulty with insoluble fibre, it will give me gas and cramping. Small quantities and pulverising are the way to go. Also in the case of vegetables, well cooked is easier to digest
I would however question if 10x a day is really a remission. Do you go throughout the day or only in the morning?
All in the morning. Why do you ask? Do you believe having all in the morning vs having throughout the day indicates a difference in the inflammation? It is an interesting question because my issues have always been localized to the morning....even in flare ups 80% issues in the morning 20% the rest of the day and in remission, any issues like cramping or pain are in the morning. I often wonder what it is about
the morning that gives me so much trouble and all I could conclude that there are certain hormones and adrenaline that kind of alert
s the GI but not sure if that really fully explains it.