UC prisoner said...
Couldn’t agree more. When I began conversations and considerations of being involved with advocacy groups of big IBD “charities” I realized that they appeared to support the pharmaceuticals’ interests more than the patients’. When US rx pricing is brought down to foreign pricing is when I’ll consider returning to the US pharmaceutical market. I haven’t priced Europe’s costs but I can almost bet that an annual European vacation to purchase my rx would be cheaper than the cost of purchasing drugs in the US.
Most of the charities are in bed with big pharma. They educate the public on what IBD is, which is a good thing, but their education comes part and parcel with unilateral support for big pharma care. It's exactly the same as the cancer societies. Everyone thinks cancer looks like going bald and being infirm, but that only happens when you do chemotherapy. A lot of people live with cancer for decades without dying, while others die of more aggressive cancers. You aren't allowed to talk about
how cancer actually works in these charities. What have the cancer societies really done for us? They tell us to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and get screening. Billions upon billions of dollars have poured into their coffers over the years, and their advice continues to be mediocre.
When I was trying out different support groups in my area, one of the groups did not allow discussion of alternative medicine, only standard treatments. At the time, I was partway into remission using alternative care, and when I started to speak about
my methods, the group moderator silenced me. I left. So... these charities are not innocent. They tow an agenda for big pharma and the charities themselves are a money racket.
I eventually found a much more community centered charity with a local support group that has
open discussions. I love this group a lot. We can also talk
openly and freely about
our experiences of corruption in the medical system, which are unfortunately more frequent than you'd think.
It's why when I come to this forum, I find it challenging that I get attacked so often for my alternative views. You don't realize how many people out there are managing this horrible disease with alternative methods, unless you let them
openly talk about
it and show curiosity about
their stories. If you only tow the line of standard treatment or surgery, then it's not fully educating the public on what is possible.
Mark, I have edited out the political content in your post per the forum rules.
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 10/18/2019 1:08:41 PM (GMT-6)