sevodreams said...
KS I know I can move on just frustrated. I’ve never seen anything constructive that that person has posted. It’s always just, surgery is not a cure. I’m very aware of the risks associated with it and that QOL May continue to suck afterwards. But, it seems like most people do well and that’s what I’ll choose to focus on.
You've been a member for a couple of months and Adriana has a been an active member here for almost 10 years with many posts. She has been in your situation and has had surgery, you may or may not want to hear her experiences but I don't find her to be hyperbolic about
this because this was her outcome. And she is and has been a productive member of this community.
I got chronic pouchitis the same day that I was reconnected, I don't know what it is like to live with a functioning J-pouch without medications. I was on antibiotics for over 3 years straight without being able to get off of them, everytime I stopped I'd flare 5 days later. I'm now on Stelara going on almost 4 years. I'm on a biological medication while we're in the midst of a global pandemic -- I really wished that my surgeries had worked for me.
For my 3 surgeries I was in the hospital for a total of 55 days. For my two flares I was in the hospital for Cyclosporine for a total of 46 days. My hip replacement due to long term steroid use was 5 days. I've spent a 106 days in the hospital because of UC and I would not want to be in a hospital any longer than I had to right now, I'd probably chose the fastest choice to get out of the hospital.
IF things get worse then you may see hospitals not doing elective surgeries to keep the risks of spreading the corona virus further to an at risk population. So you'd be able to get a colectomy/ostomy but they may postpone your j-pouch or take-down surgery(ies). Just a possible concern.