I’m going through the same. I lost 46lbs at the start of this flare. Since being him from hospital (7 weeks) I’ve put on 22lbs as of yesterday. I track everything, something I’ve noted is that I have put on a lot more weight than the actual calories I’m consuming. E.g. 1lbs equals about
3500 calories - My weight has increased on average ~ 3kg (6.5lbs) per week which equals about
22,750 calories per week and on average 3,250 calories per day. There is no way that I am eating even close to 3,250 calories over and above my maintenance calories. That would mean that I am eating 5,600 calories per day, I wish
I’ve been trying to do some research here and there but I don’t think the same rules apply when it comes to calorie absorption while on prednisone nor do they seem to apply to your body reaching homeostasis after a drastic episode of weight loss. I lost a ton of muscle and oddly enough seem to have recovered a fair amount of the lost muscle through walking and just moving around.