I’m in a flare myself, going for 1.5 months now, on 40 mg of pred for 2 weeks now seeing results but the mesalamine enemas i feel are doing nothing for me as well - they used to do magic before, now as if they aggravate it more. I do not plan to decrease pred until bleeding has fully stopped.
I’m also increasing pomegranate fruit intake (spitting out the seeds) helps so much with bloating and digestion, try it! and Aloe Vera leaf fillet - i get the big thorny leaves from the farmer market and fillet them at home. Acquired taste
My biggest problem is the last part of colon, still have the urgency but getting better.
Question: i read here about
suppositories, and I requested them from my Dr. and she prescribed Hydrocortisone ones. I though there were steroid ones.. hydrocortisone is for hemorrhoids no? Should i use these?