Hope everyone is doing well! I had a total colectomy in March, take down in August and ileostomy reversal is scheduled in November. Not going to lie, this year has been the worst year ever! I started hemorrhaging in March and needed several blood transfusions. 8 weeks post surgery I developed pyoderma gangreosum under my stoma. It turned into an absess, had to do 2 rounds of Flagyl and Augmentin to clear the infection. The ulceration would not heal. Had to do a steroid injection which was done in multiple
locations around the ulceration. It started to heal and then regressed and started spreading again. When I had the take down they moved my stoma to the other side of my abdomen. The ulceration was cleaned out and left
open to heal. It's been 8 weeks and its finally healing. I'm finally feeling like myself again. I suffered with some pretty severe depression dealing with PG and after the second surgery. When I took the bandage off the ulceration to shower I couldn't look at it or I would get nauseous and feel like I was going to pass out. At the time I felt like such a failure but my husband and I looked back at the pictures yesterday I had him take right after surgery and I now realize that I was not over reacting. It was really bad. Anyways, just wanted to check in and say thanks to everyone who has offered support and recommendations throughout the years of my journey with UC.
Post Edited (Mrs. Brady) : 10/18/2020 8:37:16 AM (GMT-6)