This is the post I have been looking for! I thought I was going bananas cause I started vaping a month ago and my symptoms have eased! Please if someone can shed some light on UC and nicotine cause my GI is convinced I have Crohn's/colitis but nicotine is meant to make Crohn's worse not help ease symptoms so I'm at a crossroads. I was a smoker quit and developed Crohn's coloitis, I used to smoke weed mixed with tobacco and I thought it was the weed that was helping me but come to find out it was actually NICOTINE! I would have the best time on the toilet as my stool would be fully formed, sad I know but I would look down at the toilet with tears in my eyes sometimes and a smile on my face. It's been a month since I started vaping and my mouth ulcers have all cleared which I've struggled with. Any information would be much appreciated.. I don't wanna vape all my life