UCyousee said...
After 6 years on Humira (adalimumab) and on-off flaring, with my gastro urging me to have surgery, I might be switching to Xejanz (tofacitinib) next week. If I switch I'll let you know how I get on.
Really I think my gastro would rather I just face reality and take the path of elective surgery but I can't get my head round accepting that.
GI always try toput the way of the surgery if you have mid-severe UC.
They try to minimze their risk to happen any problem and complication.
We have to try to manage our illnes and doctor as well.
you can to try everything, diet, vitamins, supplement, trial medicines and if nothing help this is the end point and go to surgery.
But everybody has to make his own decision when and why and how will be the next step?