Sara14 said...
How are you now?
Hey Sara,
I thought I was on the mend. Two weeks into using Uceris and Pentasa most all my colitis symptoms cleared up aside from slightly looser stools than in remission. At three weeks in I was getting hunger attacks so started taking half the Uceris dose. At four weeks in I was experiencing anger type symptoms so stopped the Uceris completely. Within 1-2 days I began to bleed and have diarrhea again unfortunately.
I'm curious if the tramadol I had been on could have been helping my UC. I was on that still when this flare started (I still blame the vaccine entirely for triggering it). But it's so unusual... prior to the vaccine I had basically complete control over my colon. I'd I ate gluten I'd bleed, and if I stopped eating it I healed.
Either the neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor portion of tramadol was helping me retain remission, or this vaccine drastically changed something within me.
I did take an antibiotic the same week as the vaccine so I was already vulnerable. There are too many variables to be positive of anything, but the fact that after vaccine dose one I got sick with UC, was starting to heal a little, and then after dose two really got bad makes me associate that with some issues.
My options are going to be a biologic, surgery, or something else my doctor wouldn't choose but that I may ask about
... such as trying an antidepressant to see if it helps the way tramadol may have. One other doctor I see thinks there is merit here.
How are you doing?