Hugo18 said...
Thanks tiredofallthispoop!
Did you ever go backwards during the first few months?
I am moving to every 4 weeks now.
Not really backwards but not a lot of forwards either. I was on Budesonide for a prolonged period (July thru November) trying to help it along. I was getting pretty bad when I started so there was a lot to overcome. I spent a few years on Entyvio where I progressed from left sided to pan colitis, then went off all meds for surgery in March. Started again in June, by then I progressed to some moderately severe symptoms.
I did see a nutritionist through all this and she helped me identify things that were problematic. I used to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but have cut a lot out, and only have small quantities now. I pay attention to FODMAPS - things like watermelon draw water into the gut which was really affecting me.
I definitely notice a change in symptoms when I am due for the next shot.