Pinocchio said...
I noted that she hadn't read the text at all, but she just said that hydrogen peroxide can't be the cause for UC. And then she said, that there are a lot of quacks out there playing with the hopes of IBD sufferers. At this point we stopped talking about it.
This has been my experience with most GI specialists. Although Dr. Pravda's theories have brought me the most radically beneficial results, I did find other things over the years that partially helped. When I brought that research to my healthcare team, they wouldn't even look at it. They just dismissed it outright as impossible. At first I attributed this to the parochial nature of doctors in my city, but when I went further afield I encountered the same attitudes in the majority of the GI community. It's usually outliers, those with independent funding, or those simply working on their own (like Dr. Pravda) who end up making breakthroughs. My UC was killing me and the only option my GI team would give me was colectomy. If I had listened to them and didn't go looking for more answers, I would have an ostomy by now.
People with severe, refractory UC account for 10% of all UCers. I am one of those. Conventional medicine failed me a long time ago. I appreciate it works for others. UCers in different categories of severity have better recovery rates. I have met UC patients who went into remission simply because UC woke them up to the fact that they had a really bad diet, full of processed (oxidized) food. When they switched to a healthier diet, they received enough antioxidants to turn the tide. That's why some UCers run around thinking diet is the root cause... because changing their diet was all it took. For people with more severe UC, i.e. more oxidation, consuming exogenous antioxidants from food may help them, but it's not enough. Then you have people like me who are 10/10 bad and need concentrated antioxidants in supplement forms to even have a hope.
I am like the canary in the mine. I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun since 2015 to stop my flares. If Dr. Pravda's theory didn't work, I would still be flaring. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has turned around my UC as fast as this theory. Like I said, I went from 2.5 years of prednisone dependence to remission in 1 month, but there was immediate improvement noted within a week. This is not a quack theory, it's cellular biology and redox medicine, something that is a relatively new field and is why most GI doctors have no clue about
And what I can say with total confidence about
this method, is that I'm not even worried my UC will come back. With other methods, I saw a lot of improvement and even had temporary remission, but there was always this thought in the back of my mind that I better watch what I eat or not take on too much life stress. UC was like this boogie man that could come back at any time. Since using Pravda's theory and taking the antioxidants, I actually don't even think about
UC anymore. I eat what I want, exercise as much as I want, sit in the sun as much as I want, I can even do unhealthy things (like party) that would've been an instant flare before. It has been miraculous and I am so grateful. I was refractory, part of that 10%. There's no way on earth my UC was ever going to spontaneously enter remission on its own. And here I am. The redox theory works, and through my science studies at school, I have a very competent grasp of why. I want to share this with everyone.
This is the reason why I want as many people to know as possible about
the reduction theory of UC. If, as a patient, you have spent years ruling out all other kinds of possible causes and you are just resigned to having UC forever, I highly recommend you invest your attention in redox research. You won't be disappointed.