CCinPA said...
I would be more than annoyed ... I would be angry at my IBD team! You said you were getting infliximab infusions every 2.5 months -- that's every 10 weeks, correct? Normally it's every 8 weeks to start and then adjust from there. It maxes out at 10 mg every 4 weeks. Since it was working for you they should have adjusted your dosage/frequency to combat antibodies. Is the reason they checked for antibodies because you were having problems? The only time I have had my levels checked is when I was still having symptoms. It's not a standard blood test. Pred should only be a bridge until a maintenance treatment can kick in. It doesn't sound like your docs have any plans for a maintenance. Call, kick and scream until a plan is agreed to. You can't stay on pred forever and no other meds mean you will keep flaring. Can you see someone else?
I was having zero issues whatsoever. I was getting my 2.5 monthly infusions and maintained perfect remission for 3 years. Blood tests etc always come back normal. They basically took me off the infliximab maintaining that it wasn’t doing anything for me anymore due to antibody formation. Obviously I protested this initially saying i was worried that i could flare after being well for so long. Since then, i have been proven right. Don’t worry, i have sent a strong email complaint demanding they put an application in place for biological treatment again as clearly it worked wonders for me. I have spoken to my local GP who will also try accelerating it if need be.