Rather than make a new post, I think I’ll keep on replying here. I don’t want to take up too much space
Day two in the hospital! Unknown iv steroids seem to be doing me good, blood is already patchy and going away. The nurses gave me a bit of a stress (I have to have my blood thinners in an area other than my stomach, same as I do my adalimumab in my thigh. This ward refused to do it that way, even though they literally gave it to me in my arm yesterday. I had to explain that over and over until someone did it in my thigh.) and it got a bit worse but I’m feeling slightly better again. I think stress is a main cause that almost seems to be the thing that overcomes my medication, and it’s been a big struggle to be able to get away from that. The person I live with and who obsessively stays all visitor hours in my hospital doesn’t really understand my disease, and really just wants it all to not work and for me to need surgery and a colostomy bag like her. Whenever I explain what the doctors are saying and the medication, she just says they’re “masking” it and I can’t live normally and my disease is too ‘severe’ (the doctors have NEVER called it severe and say very often I respond well to what they give me, just not for long enough) for me to live a normal life. It panics me and it’s so wrong that she doesn’t understand that my
Cortisteroids aren’t meant to “cure” anything like a surgery will, and what an autoimmune disease does (I’m not an expert by any means, but I do take biology as a subject and have had a major interest in microbiology and diseases since I was small). I try to explain to her but she just won’t have it because we have to live in a world where I’m going to turn out exactly like her.
How likely is it actually that this amount of stress, obviously on top of studies (which I’m pushed to do even during my worst flares for a bit of info) is actually maybe hindering my medication working? Is it possible that it’s the fault of my overactive brain that the things I seem to react well
go in the first doses always wear off? I’ve had 6 total adalimumab shots, so not many at all, and I do suppose it’s just a case of seeing what happens while having the next plan and next medication ready to go. I’ll bring up the ones mentioned here to my IBD nurse; she’s the best and has really helped keep me on my feet. I know stress is a factor of keeping flares going and such, but just what level of hindering my recovery could it be? I might have to call back to my GP for medication to calm that if it’s an actual concern, but maybe it’s not.