For the past year and a half, it's been a light color whereas before COVID it was brown. But occasionally, since my last flare-up, it's near white, yes. Maybe it happens when I eat apples/fruits (I eat very few hard-to-digest fibers but sometimes I make an exception with apples and it seems that's when it occurs: stools form way more but they are really very light in color, close to white).
Yes, I limit my diet: rice, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, apple/banana compotes, olive oil, lean meats, sardines, salmon, and recently buckwheat crispbreads with hazelnut spread. The vegetables are well-cooked in steam to soften the fibers.
Today it wasn't white, it was light but not as much as the other day.
Thank you, you will find my blood work here (sorry french): NSFW pictures of yesterday white stools (please don't look if you don't want of course!!! thank you!): NSFW picture of today "light" (not so light) stools: