I am new to Remicade, but this is what I have been told and my experience. Remicade is done by infusion. You need to go to a place (hospital, OP clinic, sometimes your MD office if big enough) where you get the infusion. The first one usually takes about
3 hours, and if no problems, the future ones can go faster, but expect 2-2.5 hours. Remicade is usually the top of the line before considering surgery, but sometimes Remicade is adjusted. For example, I am on Remicade and Imuran. If I get off the prednisone the doctor may eventually take me off the Remicade to see if I can maintain remission just on Imuran. On the other hand, even with the Remicade, if I cannot get off the prednisone without problems, then the next step is to consider surgery. There are new meds down the road within the next five years, from what I hear, but Remicade is still the big one for now. There is also Humira. That one is a self injection, but still waiting approval for UC so not always approved by HMOs. I am sure that there are tohers with more experience and info with Remicade, but this is my limited understanding.