Hello there - I just had a thought...to those of you out there who may have a suggestion for me to incorporate into my oodles of questions for the Mayo Clinic that I might not have thought of please post.
Based on the info in the signature below and meds etc. there might be something here or there you might think of that might be good for us to ask.
As it is I have a packet from his GI here and so much I am bringing -- I hope there is sufficient time to go over all of this and the many questions I have.
I assume in the course of conversations and info from the various professionals some of the questions will already be answered along the way that I can take notes of.
I did up a spreadsheet with all kinds of categories relating to BMs charting day, date, time, urgency, pain level, consistency, foods eaten to show any correlation etc. I figured two weeks worth of that info to have on hand if needed.
I have other lists - additional pain meds when needed, how long he is able to retain the Colocourt........more lists than I probably need.
I also have various info from Healing Well and his different meds and if something else might work better.
I know it is probably OVERKILL what I have but I just want to try to be prepared for them and also be prepared for us. This is not a hop, skip and a jump away for us and hotel stays are needed so I want to max out on this first of probably many visits there. Future visits will probably just require overnight stays.
According to the hospital Dr here in May and our GI he doesn't seem to be a the point of surgery and remission is the goal. But as I expressed in another thread recently we really need some honest opinions on how long does he go if remission is not successful and end up with a host of other problems from all these meds. Also if he is a likely candidate now for J-Pouch but down the road maybe not then doesn't that influence a decision for surgery? Plus he is a relatively healthy strong 61 year old guy.....as he gets older and has this longer won't that affect his being more frail??? I know I sound like I am advocating the surgery route .... I'm really not. Just scared to put something off that might have a better chance now than later.
We are relatively new to this in comparison to some of you out there. Sorry for all the questions but I am really getting a bit anxious and nervous getting prepared for this for him. THANK YOU!!!!