tamtam- at first it was just the chest tightness & a slight fever. I was cehcking my temp like 2x day, nothing big. I did have a lot of fatigue, but they told me to expect that after an infusion. Plus I was tapering ped, so thought it could be from the taper. Anyway, I called my GI doctor who initially agreed that it was from the fast pred taper. After 2 more days, still feeling chesty/tight, but not too bad, I woke up with yellow eyes & skin- totally jaundiced! Called my GI again, they sent me right to the ER. Who admitted me with the strep. pneumonia, drug-induced hepatitis, blood infection, flaring, etc.... It was a mess! I tell you, I was scared to death of remicade after that. But I did have other infusions with no problems. Definitely talk with you GI doctor too- they know what to look for re. Remicade warning signs.