Hi Red,
I have some questions for you if you don't mind.
I was put on Sulfasalazine in March 2000 and within 6 mos to a year (I need to check my medical history) I began to have edema which is a side effect of MCD. I don't think they ever did any urine protein tests though I did go through many tests. I believe it is a side effect of the 5ASA drugs I had been on until 9/6/07. So I believe I have had MCD for 7 years. I was the one who brought this up to my GI & my Nephrologist (I would have thought they would have figured this out).
1. How long after you were put on the azulfadine did it take to find the MCD?
2. How did they find it, routine test?
3. Did you ever take any 5ASA drugs again?
My current GI who I planning on switching (he graduated in 2002 from a medical school in a third world country.....people come here for the good schools don't they) says we can't know for sure any possibly in the future I could go back on them to try (the 5ASA worked really well for me).
Please, please share, this is scary for me.