Thanks for all of your info, I will look into getting those books. They might have them at the library or maybe I should just buy them. I have read so many different stories on diets etc. My doctor tells me that dietary restrictions are not necessary with UC but I had a sneaking suspiscion there had to be. It only makes sense. I currently avoid all dairy, restrict meat intake since it seems to cause bad gas etc, and I eat small amounts throughout the day. I always seem hungry, geez I wonder why! Hmm, trips to the bathroom have anything to do with it! LOL My family doctor suggested a dietary supp drink that might help me feel full and give me nutrition. Do people with UC typically have nutrition deficiencies? I do take an iron pill my GI prescribed, those are no fun either. Have to be strategic what time of day I take it.
My biggest question is why the heck do my probs get worse at night and in the morning????? It seems the common thing with UCers but geesh why?
Thanks for your insight about the job thing. I am looking, just applied today for a job that allows you to work from home and office. Please keep your fingers crossed that I get an interview or better yet the job! Lately I have been feeling like nothing is going my way and i cannot live without a paycheck. I keep praying that something comes up, some big break!!!
well take care and thanks again