I got intrigued with probiotics when I heard how well it worked for many different diseases and included IBD (in Digestive Wellness, by Lipski), with apparently some research backing and this was just a month ago. I was at the bookstore and I noticed another book called the "Probiotics Revolution" by Huffnagle and went immediately to the index, because I'm tired of the cure all diets that do not reference IBD. Well this guy is a Prof of Internal Medicine, Microbiology, and immunology at Univ. of Mich. Med. Ctr., so he at least has some reputation and I liked that he talked with references, because then I could look them up and he talks like a sensible guy (as a prof. should do). Here is some stuff to look up:
click on the superscripts for the references. Here is one that I found:
For mild to moderate case of UC in 6wk duration, 77% went into remission (this might be the same as Burli's reference). VSL3 is also good in treating ileal pouchitis.
Another and yes it is a probiotic, showed that it worked as well as the mesalazine in retaining remission with nearly identical results. Escherichia Coli Nissle 1917:
Here is a pilot trial that looks very promising and I am currently taking as of yesterday, with some two-thirds going into remission with this non-pathogenic probiotic yeast:
The book I mentioned above lists those probiotics that have a significant number of studies done and is worth looking into (and the specific strain):
L. casei shirota
L. plantarum 299v
L. rhamnosus GG, LGG, (4)
S. boulardii lyo
Very promising research:
B. infantis 35624
L. salivarius UCC118, 433118
The annoying part is that I mentioned some of this to my GI and he's like, "Oh yeah, I know about this." Is that it? I guess because much of this is still in the works and not as definitive as a Dr. would need it to be, but it did bother me he didn't get into any of the specifics, as if all I could do is choose from 5-ASA, 6-MP, steriods, remicade, or surgery at this point, otherwise I am on my own. I am new with taking probiotics this seriously, but all I have is a hope that some of the research will hash out to a path to something good. Okay, I've gone on long enough, but I hope this information is useful to everyone.