Hello all!
I've finally decided to hop in here after a few months of lingering and reading some very helpful and inspiring posts. I wandered here before I was officially diagnosed with UC. I was searching to answers to why I was feeling so miserable!
I had several frustrating visits with my primary physican who had no idea what was going on. Finally, after failing treatment for hemorroids, he sent me for a colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with UC this summer (July I think?!)
My first treatment was mesalamine enemas for 30 days, symptoms subsided for a few months and I recently was put on Asacol for a mild flare. I seem to be doing okay but I'm really interested in trying a natural approach. I've read some great things from you all on the topic.
I'm very new to all of this, trying to figure out what to eat, what not to eat, what meds work for me etc. Looking forward to reading some more and hopefully remission!!
Jenn (Friday707)
Diagnosed July 2007
Currently: Asacol 3 x daily