Hey guys,
It's been a few weeks since I've posted, but I have been checking the boards and keeping meself in the loop. I just had my 4th colonoscopy yesterday, and the doctor said that he found some inflamation polyps, and that my sigmond, lover left colon and recturm were "moderetly severely" inflamed. Currently I am on 12 asacol daily and 1 casana nightly. I am still waiting for the byopsy results, but my doc now wants me to take hydrocortisone Enema's twice a day (morning and night) :(......isn't there a non-steroid enema that I could try first? Also, i wasn't aware that you need to lay on your side for 30 minutes just to take the medicine! How do you guys do it? Do you just lay on the bathroom floor every morning and night? I don't go away very often, but I have some trips coming up for the holidays, and I can't imagine having to do this in a hotel room with my friends, family, or girlfriend........I had thouhgt I was finally doing better....this is very discourgeing news.......hopefully the biopsies wont show any dispasala.....(I had this show up once before, 2 colonscopies ago, but it hasn't been found since)....any help would be appericated..thanks