Thanks for the responses. I do feel that since my Remicade doseage was increased I have had the worst body pain in my life. I have had leg cramps and horrible pains from my rectal ulcer, but they can't even come close to this pain I have experienced. It just seems too intense to be the starting of Arthritis at 27 but I may just be fooling myself. I am sorry pottygirl, that is what I went through last night, I couldnt even get off the tiolet without my husband lifting me. And he was massaging my joints and when he touched my thumb, tears came out, I wasnt crying, it was the pain... I am sorry you go through that. One thing I have noticed is the pain gets worse through the day and spreads to more places and I feel stiffer at night. Also on the first day of my infusion when I had the lovely stabbing charley horse sensations, my hands went numb. My GI said it was probably cause I was hyperventilating. UGH sometimes I want to strangle that guy. When I called him about
the severe pains he said happy new year when i was hanging up and i said yeah right and cried. Sometimes they can be so insensitive. I
told him I thought the Remicade may have caused that joint pain and he said well give it one more shot. I was like at the high dose still? I am scared. He said Yeah the full dose, we'll see what happens. Yeah, he didnt have to spend Christmas drugged up and unable to move or play with his kids in extreme pain and suffer even worse the next day. Sometimes I wish people could spend ONE DAY in my life. I wouldn't wish any more suffering than that one day, but still. They have no idea!