hello everyone!
happy holidays, i havent posted here in a long while. i've been so busy i havent had time to think. so i finally got my life settled in.
i bought a house in july and am finally settled into it, i'm planning my wedding will be getting married in july, i'm a teacher and i've been working after school doing a literacy program and i've been tutoring...so i apologize for not popping in to say hello every now and again.
i'm doing fairly well, i think the more i keep busy the less time i have to stress over UC which makes me feel better :) i'm still doing the remicade thing and am very please, it will be 2 years in june.
i havent had a colooscopy in awhile, is that bad? i had one right before i started the remicade which made my doc put me on remicade. so do you think its time for another one?
any new meds out there i should know about?
hope all is well.