Judilyn, that is what it looks to me: the "at least one power higher" is concerning, though I can say not surprising. The bad bacteria typically grow back faster than the good, and our diets usually don't aid the good so much as the bad.
For what it is worth, I had to take a course of antibiotics for a tooth infection starting a couple weeks ago and opted for least destructive type: penicillin over against another type (I saw two dentists, giving two different Rx) that can cause a type of colitis in even "normal people". I noticed blood returned to my stool, which was not an issue for a few months up unto that point. However, I kept up with the probiotics (giving it usually a couple hours after the antibiotics), even thinking it might be of some benefit to kill off the bad, but replenishing with the good. I finished with the antibiotics this past Saturday and the blood almost immediately stopped and I have been feeling much better since probably last Thursday, where for the first time in a long time, I feel like I can return to work and function quasi-normally in life without quite so much panic/fear/anxiety.
If anyone needs to take antibiotics, it can definitely be dangerous for people with UC, but you can also look at it as an opportunity to supply your body with good bacteria and also good yeast (e.g. Saccharomyces Boulardii, which is not affected by antibiotics and shown very effective against antibiotic associated Diarrhea). Something I probably should have tried, since everything is getting killed off so fast is a probiotic enema while on the antibiotics.
So thems is my thoughts.