if you haven't seen 'sicko', please see it. i'll say it again.......he spends a lot of time dealing with people who DO have insurance, but are denied care. that is basically what is wrong.....as long as the insurance companies are involved in healthcare, it'll never be fixed!
as far as propaganda is concerned, i listen to el rushbo's show every day i can. i recognize a lot of his buzz words in a certain poster's posts. every ounce of fear bought and paid for to keep people like him on the air. and there are a lot of them......i could name them all here, but i think you know, there is no opposition on the air. guess who owns all the media now. business will own us cradle to grave soon, and it's our fault. unions are dying at an alarming rate (that's BIG LABOR membership that has now shrunk to a single digit percentage). freedom? how about
rights? when the last union dies, watch what happens to you in your own job......overtime, vacations, lunch, breaks, seniority. the really sad thing is that el rushbo is very good at what he does, and he wins the hearts and minds of young people without a lot of experience in the workplace. like watching whatever measly raise you might get, evaporate in healthcare premiums for 20 years.
kb5, you mentioned bankruptcy. that is another point that moore hammers home, a number of times. healthcare is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US.
paul, thanks for chiming in. that is another point that moore makes. he states that everyone he interviewed in Canada, UK, and France, he asked, "would you trade your health card for my HMO card?"
universally, the answer was "no!" that's heavy testimony.
he does his homework, and backs up everything he puts out there in ALL his films. and he's very good at anticipating what will be coming at him.
and to put an end to this, fox news even gave the film a recommendation, which is just astounding.
sorry, sherry, i hope i didn't get too carried away.............could you see the smile on my face?