Traditionally gastros have ordered flaring patients off dairy, as if it caused UC. That's silly! Many people suffer discomfort after consuming dairy if they are lactose-intolerant; it's pretty easy to determine whether that affects the individual, in which case one can try lactose-free dairy products and/or yogurt containing beneficial organisms. There is also the option to be tested for food allergies. The point for UCers is to keep up calcium/ vit D intake, especially while on steroid drugs.
I agree with the above comments that clinical trials are something to consider if/when a patient fails to respond to conventional meds. Your daughter was diagnosed only 2 months ago; she hasn't exhausted the conventional meds yet, though it might seem that way from all the enemas & suppositories 2nd gastro prescribed. Nor has she been using this stuff in combo with cautious diet & rest long enough to say definitively that they don't work!!!!!! I strongly believe that a UCer cannot be running around here, there, & everywhere while trying to put out a flare. You have to think meds, diet, rest, & then prioritize other activities, including medical appointments, to conserve strength. I write this sympathetically, thinking back to my 1st flare, when I wasted energy going to hospital emergency room, where not even the resident on call could get hold of my gastro on the weekend! We all tend to freak out over D with blood, but we do better to calm down, take the meds, & rest as much as possible-- while trying to think positively about healing. It takes time-- so PATIENCE is necessary. / Old Hat (nearly 30 yrs with left-sided UC ... [etc.])